We provide solutions for your growing sucessful business



Development, Planning and Management of Research

Development, Planning and Management of Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Systems

Data collection

Data Management and Analytics

Capacity building for institutions and individuals

Knowledge Management

finance & strategy

Our Strategic Plan

Short and long term research partnerships locally and internationally

Key player in Development Research

Leader in community engagement and mobilization for both public and private sector clients

A strong locally oriented institution that serves as a hub for local researchers and young professions seeking support, coaching and mentorship in research

Become leader in innovative implementation of rigorous research methods utilizing cost effective principles to maximize efficiency and quality.

business consulting

Do you have a business that you want us to help to Grow?

We go above and beyond. Boost your value with a course in personal development. We are Dedicated To Creating Added Value For Clients By Offering Exclusive & Tailored Services.

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Years Of Experience
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Happy Clients
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Professional Staff
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Global Offices
finance & strategy

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